Saturday, April 26, 2014

New Job and Hurt Toe

I started my new job.  I like getting home sooner, but I do miss seeing you throughout the day.  That's an adjustment for me.   I know that you like to be at Mrs. Janet's daycare, and daddy and I feel good about that choice for you.

Nana watched you yesterday and she said you were so fussy.  Tonight when I gave you your bath, I noticed your toe was one huge blister.  It was from a shoe that you wore yesterday.  Poor guy!   I didn't notice it this morning when I put your socks on because you flipped over and I only saw the back of your foot.  It looks so painful, but you were so happy today.  I am sorry buddy and hope your toe is ok and doesn't hurt you.

Tonight I looked through photos of when I was pregnant and when you were born and the past few months.  Wow- how time flies.  How lucky we are to have you and have the blessing of being parents. I loved being pregnant.  Look at this photo and how big my belly was!!!

Six Month Photos


For your first Easter, we went to First United Methodist Church and then came home and cooked lunch.  Grandmere came over and then Aunt Angela, Uncle Dwayne and Alex joined us while we ate. (They ate at the horse park for a nice brunch)  Nana went to my cousin Laura's house as we never really had set plans until the week of.  It was such a beautiful day out after a few colder days.  We enjoyed having our first meal with friends and family on the deck that was build last year.

Grandmere brought you a really funny moving Easter bunny basket that you liked with toys. Aunt Angela got you a couple of outfits and a really neat music toy and a float for the pool we can use soon. We got you a insect house for when you are older and a couple of shorts and tshirts for the summer.

The day before Easter we went to Milledgeville so that Mr. Bouchillon could take your 6 month photos.  

Friday, April 18, 2014

Sam"a first Easter Basket

Mrs Janet sent these  pictures to me yesterday. I love them!!! They had a Easter Egg hunt for you and your friends. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Weekend of Palm Sunday

This weekend you and I are hanging out together because daddy went turkey hunting in Alabama. Yesterday I had a get my car serviced at 25,000 miles so I take you with me to the dealership. It didn't take long but you were such a good boy waiting with me. I called Ms. Carolyn to see what she was doing because I was going to be in downtown Conyers and we met her for coffee and her daughter-in-law and Hannah joined us. They all loved you and said how sweet you are and that you look like a little man. Amy said that she hopes the next time she sees me that were pregnant with your sister. Or brother would be just perfect. Then Carolyn told us about a great garage sale that we went to so I went by there and bought some really cool things for a new booth that I'm setting up in McDonagh. Then we rushed home and I got a shower and then we headed out to Monroe to meet your Grandmere to eat barbecue and then we went back to her house and you got to play with her dogs and then we worked in her shed and then we went to Longhorn for dinner and got home around 1030. You were asleep so I just put you right in your crib. Now were laying on the bed and you're playing with the little toy that was made for you by a friend of mine in Denmark and you're also trying to get to Jackson but he's afraid of you. You are so happy and so funny and we just are so fortunate to have such a sweet boy like you!

Friday, April 11, 2014

My last day at Anna Griffin

Today was my last day at working at Anna Griffin. My boss told me that I am the best person that she's ever had for that job and she is going to miss me. When I first started working there I wasn't even dating your daddy. So many wonderful things have happened since I started working there with the best one being you being born

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Slept through the night

You slept through the night the past 2 nights   Wow! It's April 8 and 9th I'm referencing. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Last week with Ms Tray

This is your last week at the daycare at Anna Griffin because I start my new job next week. You have really enjoyed being around Teddy and Blake and they make you laugh!  I'm going to try to get some video of you laughing at Blake soon. 

This past weekend daddy went turkey hunting on Saturday morning so you me Katie and Molly went into McDonough and went shopping and had lunch together. We stopped by Queen bee coffee company and they all got to hold you so I've included a picture of Claudia holding you.  You didn't want to take a nap so you were little bit cranky that afternoon. On Sunday you were really cranky so we didn't go to church so that you could take a nap. You Slept for a couple hours while I went to Walmart and got some formula and diapers while daddy stayed home and watched you. Nana came by around lunch to play with you. Daddy made us salmon on the smoker and you had bananas for the first time. You liked them!